Mechanical simulations

Finite-element structural simulations

Explosion simulations

Multiphysics simulations

Civil buildings collapse simulations

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Quantum Mechanics and Molecular dynamics simulations

Adsorption properties of nanomaterials

Acoustic properties of nanomaterials

Electromechanical Resonant Properties of nanomaterials


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High performance computing

High performance computational cluster

Grid networks

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BalticGrid II


Our laboratory participate in BalticGrid-II project.


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Corpus Albaruthenicum

The Text Corpus of the Academic Belarusian Language

Go to Corpus page...

Laboratory of Systems Dynamics and Material Mechanics,
Belarusian National Technical University
65, Nezalezhnasci Prasp, Minsk, 220013, Belarus,

tel. +375(17) 293-93-22,
fax. +375(17) 331-36-17
e-mail dsmsm[at]