High performance computing
We use supercomputing and distributed computing to perform modeling in mechanics, physics and social dynamic.
Our experience includes:
computer modeling of mechanics processes of deformable solid body (ANSIS/LS-DYNA), different CAD systems;
molecular dynamic simulation (LAMMPS, NWChem, NAMD, Hyperchem) for engineering, biological and physical applications;
quantum mechanics simulation of small molecular system (NWChem).
We provide access to the computer cluster via grid based on Glite middleware (http://gstat.egi.eu/gstat/site/BY-BNTU) or directly. Some applications are already installed on the cluster and available for usage: NWChem-6.0 (http://support.balticgrid.org/wiki/NWCHEM ), Namd-2.7, OpenFOAM -4.1, LAMMPS).
Cluster performance monitoruing http://grid.bntu.by/ganglia.
Laboratory team have experience in deployment infrastructure assigned to perform computer calculations in different fields.